Baby Milestones: Is Your Baby Developing Properly?

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Throughout your baby’s first year, they will grow and develop at lightning
speed. No two babies are exactly alike and they will grow and develop at
their own pace. Let’s take a look at what baby milestones to watch out for during the baby’s first


His or her weight will double by 5 to 6 months, and triple by her first year birthday. And He or
she is constantly learning. 
Developmental milestones—include rolling over, sitting up, standing, and possibly
walking. And your heart will likely melt at the sound of her first “mama” or “dada.”

Again, no two babies are exactly alike. Your baby will develop at his or her own pace. It’s not
unusual for a healthy, “normal” baby to fall behind in some areas or race ahead in


What are “Normal” Baby Milestones?

The following milestones are only guidelines. Your baby’s pediatrician will evaluate your
baby’s development at each well-baby visit. Remember: Always talk to your child’s
health care professional if you think your baby is lagging behind and never skip well-
baby visit. Reschedule if it is necessary.

If your baby was born prematurely (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), you need to look at the milestone guidelines a little differently. For preemies the age at which your baby is
expected to reach various milestones is based on her due date, not his or her birthday.
So if your baby was born two months early, he or she will most likely achieve milestones
two months later than the guidelines below predict.

What happens during Baby’s First Year?

Baby development stages by month

0-1 Month

0-1 Month old baby girl wearing a white onesie with a pink tutu and a pink floral headband.
  • Make jerky, quivering arm movements
  • Bring hands near face
  • Keep hands in tight fists
  • Move head from side to side while lying on stomach
  • Focus on objects 8 to 12 inches away
  • Prefer human faces over other shapes
  • Prefer black-and-white or high-contrast patterns
  • Hear very well and recognize some sounds, including parents’ voices

Ways to help baby reach milestones:
Tummy time from day one. Start out by letting baby lay on your chest. Don’t fall
asleep with baby on chest because baby may fall over and you won’t notice. Start
out in increments of 2-3 minutes at a time. If baby falls asleep then stop tummy
time and try again later. Back is best, don’t let baby sleep on tummy.

1-3 month baby milestones

3 month old baby boy lying on his belly wearing a yellow and blue minions hat with a blue and yellow car next to him and against a sky blue background with clouds on it.

  • Support the upper body with arms when lying on stomach
  • Stretch legs out and kick when lying on stomach or back
  • Push down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface
  • Open and shut hands
  • Raise the head and chest when lying on stomach
  • Bring hands to mouth
  • Grab and shake hand toys
  • Follow moving object with eyes
  • Watch faces closely
  • Recognize familiar objects and people at a distance
  • Start using hands and eyes in coordination
  • Begin to babble and to imitate some sounds
  • Smile at the sound of parents’ voices
  • Enjoy playing with other people
  • May cry when playing stops

Ways to help baby reach milestones: Infant stretches and exercise, more and more tummy time baby should be tolerating tummy time well now if you started early. Talk to baby, tickle their toes, and let them see their faces in the mirror. Use black and white board books.

3-7month baby milestones

7 month old baby smiling with his tongue sticking out
  • Roll over both ways (stomach to back and back to stomach)
  • Sit up
  • Reach for object with hand
  • Transfer objects from one hand to the other
  • Support whole weight on legs when held upright
  • Develop full-color vision and mature distance vision
  • Use voice to express joy and displeasure
  • Respond to own name
  • Babble chains of consonants (ba-ba-ba-ba)
  • Distinguish emotions by tone of voice
  • Explore objects with hands and mouth
  • Struggle to get objects that are out of reach
  • Enjoy playing peek-a-boo
  • Show an interest in mirror images

Ways to help baby develop: When baby makes a mess while eating it is a sensory
experience that they can learn from. Let your baby’s curiosity take over. Let them
explore safely of course.

Baby’s First Year Milestones

one year old baby boy smiling while walking on a sidewalk with a field of red flowers behind him.
  • Sit without assistance
  • Get into a hands-and-knees position
  • Crawl
  • Pull self-up to stand
  • Walk holding onto furniture, and possibly a few steps without support
  • Use the pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger)
  • Say “dada” and “mama”
  • Use exclamations, such as “oh-oh!”
  • Try to imitate words
  • Respond to “no” and simple verbal requests
  • Use simple gestures, such as shaking head “no” and waving bye-bye
  • Explore objects in many ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)
  • Begin to use objects correctly (drinking from a cup, brushing hair)
  • Find hidden objects easily
  • Look at the correct picture when an image is named
  • Ways to help baby develop:

Let baby walk around and explore safely. Take a walk around the neighborhood and
stop and point out what catches your baby’s eye. Talk to them and read with them a lot.
By the end of the first year, some babies may be walking on their own but it is not
unusual for some to start as late as 18 months or in some cases as early as 7

Read: Educational Toys and Activities for Baby’s First Year


Your baby will rapidly throughout the first year. You can encourage your baby to meet his or her milestones through play. While your baby is growing before your very eyes, you will create many memories by spending quality time with your baby.


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